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Department of Astromaterial Acquisition

School - Sep 2020 -Jun 2021

Department of Astromaterial Acquisition (DAA) is a 3d voxel sandbox exploration game.


DAA was built using Unity by a team of programmers. My work on the team included:

  • Implemented Inverse Kinematics and procedurally animated enemies using it.

  • Developed behavioral tree for enemy AI.

  • Designed interactions and combat sequences with enemies.

  • Built soundscape using Wwise.


School - Sep 2019 – Jun 2020

Escape an ancient temple by utilizing its arcane artifacts in an intriguing 2D puzzle plat-former.

SoulCaster was built from scratch, by a cross-discipline team of four programmers, using C++ and Visual Studio. My work on the team included:

  •  Implemented Fmod low-level api for the audio engine.

  • Integrated RapidJSON for management of all game play data.

  • Implementation of ImGui API for the custom editor.

  •  Designed and Implemented the physics engine using axis aligned bounding boxes and a broad phase AABB tree.


School - Jan 2019 – May 2019

Ikilla is a top-down arcade arena tank shooter with a colorful tank and zombie themed wave survival.

Ikilla was built using a custom engine written in C using Visual Studio. My roles on the team included:

  •  Led the team as the Technical Lead.                                   

  • Implemented leaderboards using a custom format allowing players to compete against other scores. 

  • Designed a UI system that made creating all of the game’s UI very fast and simple to do.

  • Developed a particle system and designed particles to help the game feel more alive.


Mate ROV Competition

Club - Aug 2015 – Apr 2018

I competed in the Mate Underwater ROV competition. The competition every year is based on a different theme with five tasks for the ROV to complete. The better you can advertise the ROV to the judges and more tasks the ROV can complete the more points the team scores.
I was the technical lead on my team and primarily wrote code in python to work with the hardware we had available to us, which was heavily limited due to our small budget. I also worked very closely with the team on electrical engineering to make sure our goals were possible, and I knew how to design my code to work with our setup.
In the final year I competed, we attained 3rd place at state.

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